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Bat Signal in Köln am Dienstag, den 13.11.18

Di, 13.11.18
Sonic Ballroom
50825 Köln
Karte (lädt Daten von Openstreetmap)
Bat Signal GRE / Teenage Lobotomy GRE / Lokale Vorband gesucht!

Punkrock / Brain-Wrecking Rock 'n Roll
Bat signal was formed under the midnight sky of a full moon night in 2014, to deliver dark, melodic punk rock with a vengeance. They released their first E.P. on cassette called "Dangernights" in 2015, which was supported by their first international tour. The band released their first vinyl LP called "Straight out of midnight", with the help of German label “Keep It A Secret” records (based in Mainz), the next year, followed by a 30 day European tour. They have performed intensively within and outside their country, alongside some of the most important Greek Punk Rock bands, getting a strong reputation for their passionate and energetic live show. Their music has also garnered favorable reviews from zines and the underground press, noting the subtle dark tones of their music, musical originality, and the heartfelt tone of their lyrical content, filled with numerous pop culture references.

Teenage lobotomy have existed since 2015 and are widely considered as one of the most promising new acts of the Greek underground scene. Their music is a very unique blend of Punk, Alternative and Classic Rock which they self describe as “Brain Wrecking Rock N Roll”!

In the short time of their existence they have released a full length LP “Impatience” and after playing all major Greek cities they’re ready to spread their unique kind of rock’n roll in Europe!

Einlass: 20h, Beginn: 21h, Eintritt: 8€
Zum Einsteller des Events (zuletzt geändert: 24.07.2021 11:47)
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