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Bob Wayne in Köln am Dienstag, den 07.01.20

Di, 07.01.20
Sonic Ballroom
50825 Köln
Karte (lädt Daten von Openstreetmap)
Bob Wayne [USA] lokale Vorband gesucht!


After 12 years of touring with his band and recording 8 albums Bob Wayne is grabbing his guitar and going solo for one year.
"I love my band, I love playing and traveling with other musicians, but over the years I have always fantasized about making a solo record and touring the world alone, just me and my guitar, so now I am going to do it. " - BW
Armed with his new record entitled 'ROGUE' Bob will begin his sojourn in Europe and then head to North- and South America.
"I found out the world record for the most shows in a tour cycle is 309. So I figured why not try to beat it." - BW
That's right folks. Bob will also be attempting to break the world record for the most shows in a tour cycle!
Join Bob on his journey and be a part of this epic adventure!

Einlass: 20h, Beginn: 21h, Eintritt: 9€
Zum Einsteller des Events (zuletzt geändert: 24.07.2021 11:47)
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