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Bonsai Kitten in Köln am Freitag, den 15.03.19

Fr, 15.03.19
Sonic Ballroom
50825 Köln
Karte (lädt Daten von Openstreetmap)
Bonsai Kitten D / Formosa D

BONSAI KITTEN have been a source of energy and inspiration for some years now. Founder and riot grrrl Tiger Lilly Marleen is a mind-blowing whirlwind on stage with a distinctive strikingly sultry voice.

2019 will yet be another milestone year in the bands history, when they compose themselves anew with a fresh sound!

BONSAI KITTEN hit the music scene with the release of their self titled debut EP in 2007 which was released for the Japanese market only on the Japanese record label On The Hill, which may still be available online. After excessive touring throughout Europe BONSAI KITTEN released their first full length album Done With Hell in 2011, featuring Koefte DeVille, singer of legendary Punk´A´Billy band MAD SIN on the title track. The album was released on the German record label Wolverine Records. In 2012 already, BONSAI KITTEN released a collection of songs in a limited edition with Welcome To My World which sold out quickly. With a change in line up BONSAI KITTEN released Occupy Yourself! in 2014, which earned them the reputation as one of the most exciting new bands to come out of Germany. Taking a stand for a multi-cultural mind set, against racial prejudice, discrimination and for equal rights, to make the world a better place, BONSAI KITTEN is the first band to address these topics so clearly within their scene ever. On September 8th, 2017 BONSAI KITTEN released their new album MINDCRAFT on Rough Trade. It has an urgency and force that also captures the band's sweat-drenched and ecstatic live shows. The band ditched the upright bass in their line-up and puts riot rock on the global map!

Einlass: 20h; Beginn: 21.30h, Eintritt: 10€
Zum Einsteller des Events (zuletzt geändert: 24.07.2021 11:47)
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